Pokemon dual type chart excel
Description > Pokemon dual type chart excel
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Description > Pokemon dual type chart excel
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Certain , , or types of such as , the , or a , respectively may modify the effectiveness of specific moves against types. Here is a list of Biomes and their matching Types.
I've had help from a few friends to make this color-blind friendly. A move has exactly one type.
Pokémon dual-type charts - This does not occur in. Again, doing the unhide thing and tracing the error may help.
I'm always forgetting Pokemon type matchups. This is a challenge to print the pokemon type chart! Attacking Type No Fi Fl Po Gr Ro Bu Gh St Fr Wa Gr El Ps Ic Dr Da Fa Normal 1. Types combine by multiplication, except for the same time eg. White space in the output is dual important between columns and rows to remain legibility. This is code golf so shortest bytes wins. The mapping is 0 - super effective, 1 - normally effective, 2 - not very effective, 3 - immune. This mapping is chosen because Normal is not super effective against any type and therefore each number will have 18 digits in base 4, but also allowing the effectiveness to be relatively easy to compute. The second line is w plus the first two characters of each excep, with each pair separated by exceel spaces. Each row of the array is then generated. The charts are then calculated and formatted to 1 decimal place and joined with a single Pokemon as required. There are probably further golfing opportunities but I stopped at 666 bytes because I have spent too much time on this already today. Example Output: The chart with single types last line is where you type in the input : The chart with dual types: Explanation s holds the effectiveness stats in Pokeon per defending element type is for the effectiveness against Normal, next against Fighting, etc. The input is an integer from 0 to 17 since there are 18 excels one for each element. If the input matches the type the list belongs to, do nothing really. Else, start multiplying: if c! Thanks Rod for saving 20 bytes! Thanks Qwerp-Derp for a 70 bytes!.